Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Zions camping trip

Our family took a little vacation to Zions National park last week, and boy did we have a ball. We found a sweet spot inside the park that was right next to the river. The girls had a grand time swimming in the river, chasing lizards and hiking. 
We hiked Emerald Pools on Friday, which was pretty easy but a good warm up.
On Saturday we Hiked Angels Landing which was really cool. The girls loved Wallys Wiggles, especially since they were the only kids there and they got a lot of attention for doing such a big hike and taking on the danger of the wiggles.
The more the girls got compliments the faster they went. 
The nights were cool and we all slept well, especially on our full bellies. We ate some great food while we were camping, I am sure I gained a few lbs even with all the hiking.

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